Friday, September 21, 2007

Colorado pics

I've finally gotten some pictures to scan. The first ones are from Garden of the Gods Park. It has magnificent sandstone rock formations.

Some pics of Balanced Rock:

That's Michele's 2 sons on the right.

Michele and sons with Cathedral Valley in the background.

Pike's Peak was awesome. It was so neat driving around Colorado Springs. There were times that it just got closer and closer as you you were going to drive right into it.There were many places you could get a picture of Pike's Peak.

The Olympic Training Center was one of the first places we toured.
We got to see the training areas for many of the Olympic competitors. We, also, got to talk to some that were training, as well as coaches. There was an interactive area where you could test your physical abilities, which was quite fun.

Pikes's Peak Avenue was near the training center and the daily drive.

We got to visit Focus on the Family ( and Visitor Center on Saturday. They had so much to see and a lot of fun things for children. Michele said she takes Matthew and Aaron there to play when it is very cold while she sits close by and reads.

This is a monument of James Dobson, Sr. He was quite an accomplished artist and painter. Many of his paintings were displayed. I'm fascinated by artwork and paintings. I could have stayed in there for hours just looking at his paintings and those of others who have done special works for Focus on the Family. It was like visiting an art gallery.

One morning Michele took me through the World Prayer Center. There has been a global community of thousands experiencing real-time prayer through the Center and their website:
The Prayer Center "is open for the dedicated purpose of continual prayer, praise and worship".

Another tourist attraction that was within driving distance of Colorado Springs was Bishop Castle.

It was a wonderful trip. Though, I have to say the highlight was probably being able to watch Michele's 15 year old son training with his partner to one day compete in the Olympics in Ice Dance. It was a great privilege to watch him in his practices with his coaches and to observe him one day as he tested to advance to Junior Nationals.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Home Again

I'm now home after spending 11 days with my daughter and family. It was so good to be able to spend the time with her and Monkey well as the Monkey Boys and Sarge.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Baby Girl

Well, there's nothing like a newborn baby to lift your spirits, especially if it's your very own granddaughter. Yes, she was born Friday night. She and Mom are doing just fine. I have the privilege of being with them for a week to help take care of them, the Monkey Boys, included...oh, and Sarge, too. So now it's 3 & 3...3 super grandsons and 3 delightful granddaughters. Oh what fun! Just had to share the wonderful news with everybody while I had a chance!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Run to God

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the One who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!" Proverbs 3:5-7. (The Message)

Who Am I

My dear daughter shared an email with me today from a women who has battled brain cancer for two years. Here is a quote from her email that speaks volumes to me:
"Who am I to question God, the maker of heaven and earth? He who fills the clouds with rain and snow? He who tells the oceans where to stop? He who created our world and every plant and creature on it? He who has carried me (not just walked with me, but CARRIED me), through all my previous challenges only to be covered with blessing on the other side. All I can say is Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life: I will sing praise to my God as long as I live! "